Earlier last week, Alistair Goodman, CEO of Placecast, spoke on a panel at the Mobile First (M1 Summit) in San Francisco (https://m1summitsf2015.splashthat.com/). The topic was “Mobile is AdTech’s Utlimate Frontier”, and was moderated by Amir Efrati from “The Information”. Other participants on the panel included Michael Deignan from Vungle, Ocean Fine from Factual, Offer Yehudai from Inneractive and Mike Ng from Twitter.

Alistair Goodman Speaks at Mobile First Summit

The panel focused on several hot topics in the AdTech industry today. The panelists started out by discussing ad fraud and viewability, and in particular, how adtech companies can and should screen for fraud, and how to prevent it from happening at all. Another interesting topic of discussion was around walled gardens vs. open ecosystems, and the ID graph, and the question of which one of these will dominate the industry in the future.

The panelists also spoke at great length about the use mobile data, and in particular mobile location data, which is considered to be one of the most important types of mobile data. The key focus of this discussion was how advertisers can effectively leverage this data for audience targeting.

Lastly, the panelists also spoke about mobile video, what is working, what is not, and what the future holds!

